Bilingual transcription: Cooking
Bilingual transcription: Còcaireachd
Haidh Sophie.
Haidh Rona.
Bidh aran ùr againn a-nochd agus ithidh sinn e a-màireach!
(Hi Rona. We’ll have fresh bread tonight and we’ll eat it tomorrow!)
Bidh feum agam air foighidinn ma-thà!
(I’ll need to be patient then!)
Bidh mi a' fàgail na taoise anns a' bhobhla fad uair a thìde.
Feumaidh i at gus am bi a dhà uimhir innte.
(I leave the dough in the bowl for about an hour. It has to rise and be twice the size.)
Tha mo mhàthair math air fuine ach 's fheàrr leamsa a bhith a' còcaireachd.
(My mother is good at baking but I prefer to cook.)
Tha an reasabaidh seo sìmplidh.
(This recipe is easy.)
Nach innis thu dhomh dè dh'fheumas tu airson aran ùr ma-thà?
(Why don’t you tell me what you need then.)
Uill, a rèir na reasabaidh, feumaidh tu còig cheud grama flùr.
'S e flùr geal a chleachd mise.
Bidh feum agad air pacaid bheag de bheirm thioram, trì spàinean mòra làn ola-chroinn-ola agus trì cheud mililiotair de dh'uisge.
(You need five hundred grams of flour. I used white flour. You need a small packed of dried yeast, about three tablespoons of olive oil and three hundred millilitres of water.)
Tha sin furasta.
(That’s easy.)
Cuir na stuthan tioram còmhla, agus an uair sin an ola agus an t-uisge.
Nuair a nì thu sin, feumaidh tu a mheasgachadh agus a thaoisneachadh.
(Put the dried ingredients together, and then the oil and the water. You then have to mix it and knead it.)
Bidh thu ag obrachadh na taoise le do làmhan.
Agus feumaidh mi sin a dhèanamh a-rithist an ceann uair a thìde.
(You work the dough with your hands. I’ll have to do that again in an hour.)
'S fheàrr dhuinn smaoineachadh mun lòn a bhios sinn ag ullachadh a-màireach.
Thug thu cuireadh do dh'Etta, nach tug?
(We need to think about the lunch we’re making tomorrow. You did invite Etta, didn’t you?)
Thug agus tha i a' coimhead air adhart ris.
(Yes and she’s looking forward to it.)
Dè chuireas sinn air a' chlàr-bhìdh?
(What will we put on the menu?)
Bidh dà chùrsa ceart gu leòr airson lòn.
(Two courses will be okay for lunch.)
A' chiad chùrsa - brot no bradan?
(Yes. The first course – soup or salmon?)
Am prìomh chùrsa - feòil no iasg le buntàta no rus?
(The main course – meat or fish with potatoes or rice?)
Neo prìomh chùrsa agus mìlsean às a dhèidh?
(Or a main course and something sweet to follow?)
Bhiodh sin na b' fheàrr.
Bidh cèic no briosgaid aice daonnan le cupa cofaidh.
(That would be better. She always has cake or a biscuit with a cup of coffee.)
Dè a' chèic as fheàrr leatsa?
(What’s your favourite cake?)
Strudel le ùbhlan.
(Apple strudel.)
Tha sruth rim fhiaclan a' smaoineachadh mu dheidhinn!
Nach fheàrr dhuinn a dhol air ais chun an toisich?
(I’m salivating at the thought of it! Let’s start again.)
A' chiad chùrsa!
(The starter!)
Nì mi brot le cearc, creamh-gàrraidh agus uinnean… ach fàgaidh mi creamh às air eagal 's nach còrd e rithe.
(I’ll make chicken soup with leeks and onions… but I’ll leave out the garlic incase she doesn’t like it.)
Brot agus aran ùr airson a' chiad chùrsa, agus gheibh sinn rud milis no dhà bhon bhèicear airson mìlsean…
(Soup and fresh bread for starters, and we’ll get something sweet from the baker…)
A bheil sin caran leisg?
(Is that a bit lazy?)
Chan eil idir.
Nam faiceadh Etta seo an-dràsta, bhiodh i glan air a dòigh!
(Not at all. If Etta could see this just now, she’d be very happy!)
Chì i a-màireach e. 'S e a bhios blasta!
(She’ll see it tomorrow and it’ll be extremely tasty!)