What will we do first?
Dè bhios sinn a' dèanamh an toiseach?
Let's start.
There are different ways to use the compound preposition airson (for, for the sake of, on behalf of), its meaning changing depending on the context. Here are some common usages:
Dè bhios sinn a' dèanamh an toiseach airson briosgaidean a dhèanamh?
What do we do first to make biscuits?
Bidh sinn a' bualadh nam buidheagan agus an siùcar le chèile.
We beat the yolks and sugar together.
Buail na buidheagain agus an siùcar ri chèile gus am fàs iad aotrom is soilleir.
Beat the yolks and sugar together until they become light [in texture] and light–coloured.
Dòirt am flùr a–steach, a' dèanamh cinnteach nach eil cnapan ann.
Pour in the flour, making sure that there are no lumps.
Teasaich am bainne air an stòbha. Na leig leis goil.
Heat the milk on the stove/cooker. Do not let it boil.
Fuaraich am bainne airson beagan mhionaidean.
Allow the milk to cool for a few minutes.
Measgaich beagan bainne teth dhan ugh is siùcar, gam bualadh gu math.
Mix a little of the hot milk into the egg and sugar, beating well.
Fuin anns an àmhainn iad.
Bake [them] in the oven.