Did you hear the thunder last night?

An cuala tu an tàirneanach a-raoir?

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An cuala tu an tàirneanach a-raoir?

Did you hear the thunder last night?

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I did (hear)!

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Agus às dèidh siud, thàinig an stoirm, agus às dèidh na stoirme, thàinig na tuiltean. Agus às dèidh nan tuiltean, nochd lòn ùr sa ghàrradh!

And after that, the storm came, and after the storm, the floods came. And after the floods, a new pond appeared in the garden!

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Càite anns a' ghàrradh?

Where in the garden?

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Dìreach ri taobh trampoilin na cloinne! Bidh iad bog fliuch a h–uile turas a bhios iad a' leum air—gus an tiormaich e.

Just beside the children's trampoline. They'll be soaking wet every time they jump on it—until it dries (up).

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Uill, innsidh mise dhut! Às dèidh na gaoithe a lean an stoirm, nochd ceithir sèithrichean plastaig mum choinneamh!

Well, let me tell you! After the wind which followed the storm, four plastic chairs appeared in front of me!

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Mud choinneamh?

In front of you?

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Uill, dh'fhosgail mi an doras–cùil madainn an–diugh, latha brèagha às dèidh nan gèiltean, agus dè bha a–muigh an sin, ach sèithrichean plastaig le mo nàbaidh, bun-os-cionn, mu choinneamh an dorais.

Well, I opened the back door this morning, a beautiful day after the gales, and what was out there but my neighbour's plastic chairs, upside down, in front of the door.

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Abair e!

You don't say!

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Agus feasgar, chunnaic mi am bòrd plastaig aca air cùl na seada aig bonn a' ghàrraidh, sin bonn a' ghàrraidh againne!

And in the afternoon, I saw a plastic table behind the shed at the bottom of the garden, the bottom of our garden!