They brought with them their language and their culture

Thug iad leotha an cànan agus an cultar aca

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Bha sinn a' bruidhinn mu dheidhinn na bainnse ann an Glaschu, Baile Mòr nan Gàidheal.

We were talking about the wedding in Glasgow, the city of the Gaels.

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Bha. Dh'fhàs Glaschu gu mòr bho mheadhan na naoidheamh linn deug. Agus bha an leasachadh sin a' tachairt cuideachd anns na bailtean–mòra eile: Dùn Èideann, Dun Dè agus Obar Dheathain.

We were. Glasgow expanded greatly from the middle of the nineteenth century. And that development happened in the other cities as well: Edinburgh, Dundee and Aberdeen.

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Bha seo mu àm an Tionndaidh Ghnìomhachais, nach robh?

This was about the time of the Industrial Revolution, wasn't it?

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Tha seo beagan às dèidh sin. Leudaich sluagh na Galltachd gu mòr agus gu luath. Bha na gnìomhachasan guail, togail shoithichean is na factaraidhean a' tàladh dhaoine bhon Ghàidhealtachd agus à Èireann.

This is a little bit after that. The population of the Lowlands increased greatly and quickly. The coal and shipbuilding industries and the factories attracted people from the Highlands and Ireland.

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Bha Gàrraidhean Chluaidh cudromach ann an leasachadh Ghlaschu, nach robh?

The Clyde shipyards were a big part of Glasgow's development as well, weren't they?

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Bha, agus tron fhicheadamh linn dh'fhàs an Cabhlach Marsantach, le mòran Ghàidheal nam measg.

They were, and throughout the twentieth century, the Merchant Navy also grew, with many Gaels among them.

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Chan eil teaghlach air a' Ghàidhealtachd nach eil eòlach air cuideigin a bha aig muir!

There isn't a family in the Highlands who doesn't know someone who was at sea!

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Agus aig an aon àm, bha in–imrich ann leis na bha de dh’Èireannaich a dh'fhuiling a’ Ghort Mhòr ceudan de mhìltean dhiubh. Agus chan ann a-mhàin dhan taobh an iar a thàinig iad. Thàinig mòran bhoireannach a Dhùn Dè dha na muilnean is factaraidhean an sin cuideachd.

And at the same time, there was immigration with Irish people who suffered the Great Famine, hundreds of thousands. And it's not only to the west they came. Many women came to Dundee, to the spinning mills and factories there as well.

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Agus thug iad leotha an cànan agus an cultar aca.

And they brought with them their language and their culture.