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A’ Ghalltachd

Complete for 2 points

Rinn sinn seo roimhe!

We did this before!

There are a few ways we can say ‘before’ in Gaelic. We can use the simple preposition ro (before), this is not the same ro we’ve used before to mean ‘too’. We can only this ro before a noun: ro làimh (beforehand), ro Chrìosta(before Christ). 

When used with a definite noun ro becomes ron (before the): ron àm (before the time), ron latha sin (before that day), ron Nollaig (before (the) Christmas). We can use the form roimhe  (‘before it’) to stand on its own: Bha mi ann roimhe (I was there before), Thuirt mi sin roimhe (I said that before).

If we want to say ‘before’ with a verb, we need to use a different word : mus. This is used directly with the dependent (secondary) form of the verb:

Mus deach mi ann, cha robh fios agam.

Before I went, I didn’t know.

Mus tèid sinn ann, bidh airgead a dhìth oirnn.

Before we go we’ll need money.

Bha mi ceart gu leòr mus do dh’ith mi sin!

I was OK before I ate that!

Tha mi ag iarraidh deoch mus ith mi seo.

I want a drink before I eat this.

Have a go at reading this short section. If you don’t understand any words, try looking them up in your dictionary or the LearnGaelic faclair.

Cha robh sluagh ro mhòr air a’ Ghalltachd mus robh an Tionndadh Gnìomhachais ann. Anns a’ bhliadhna 1500, thathar den bheachd gun robh 50% de na daoine ann an Alba a’ bruidhinn na Gàidhlig. Fiù ‘s ann an 1700 bha an àireamh den t–sluagh aig an robh a’ Ghàidhlig aig 30%. Ach thòisich sluagh na h–Alba a’ fàs gu mòr bho 1800 air adhart agus thòisich an àireamh de dhaoine aig an robh a’ Ghàidhlig a’ crìonadh bho 1850 air adhart. 

There was not a very big population in the Lowlands before the Industrial Revolution. In the year 1500, it is thought that 50% of people in Scotland spoke Gaelic. Even in 1700 the number of the population who had Gaelic stood at 30%. But the population of Scotland grew quickly from 1800 onwards and the number [proportion] of people who had Gaelic began to decline from 1850 onwards.