To me, with me, from me

Rim, lem, bhom

When the possessive adjectives  mo, do, a, a (h–), ar, ur an/am  follow prepositions that end in a vowel, they often lose their own vowel and are joined with the preposition. We have already seen  ri   mo  as  rim , and we can also combine  le   do  as  led  and  bho   ur  as  bhur  and so on. We don't need to use these combined forms, but it's important that we recognise them when reading.

Bha mi a' coinneachadh ri mo | rim mhàthair.
I was meeting with my mother.
Bidh mi a' dol ann le do | led bhràthair
I will be going with your brother.
Fhuair mi sin bho ur | bhur caraid
I got that from your friend.
ri + morimdo + modom
ri + doriddo + dodod
ri + arido + ada
ri + arido + ada
ri + arrirdo + ardor
ri + urrurdo + urdur
ri + anrindo + andon
le + molemdha + modham
le + doleddha + dodhad
le + aledha + adha
le + aledha + adha
le + arlerdha + ardhar
le + urlurdha + urdhur
le + anlendha + andhan
bho + mobhomtro + motrom
bho + dobhodtro + dotrod
bho + abhotro + atro
bho + abhotro + atro
bho + arbhortro + artror
bho + urbhurtro + urtrur
bho + anbhontro + antron