Towns and places of the Lowlands

Bailtean is àitichean na Galltachd

Deiseil? | Ready?

In this section, you'll have a gentle introduction to talking about The Lowlands (A' Ghalltachd).

By the end of this short lesson, you should be confident about: 

  • bailtean is àitichean na Galltachd, a' coimhead air cruth nan ainmean fhèin, agus gan cleachdadh anns na tuislean, tabhartach is ginideach | towns and places in the Lowlands, looking at the form of the names, and using them in the dative (prepositional) and genitive (possessive) cases

You will also learn about: 

  • cuideam le ANN | emphasis with ANN
  • a tuislean le ainmean àite | the cases with placenames

Luchd nan casag
The long–coated folk (Lowlanders)