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A’ Ghalltachd

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Cò ris a tha a' Ghalltachd coltach an–diugh?

What are the Lowlands like today?

Let’s have a look at this discussion. By the end of this section, you will have learned some valuable phrases that you can use in lots of different conversations.

Cò ris a tha a’ Ghalltachd coltach an–diugh? What are the Lowlands like today?
Tha diofar ùghdarrasan ionadail air feadh na Galltachd. There are different local authorities throughout the Lowlands.
Agus dè cho Gàidhealach ’s a tha a’ Ghalltachd an–diugh? And how Highland are the Lowlands today?
Tha coimhearsnachdan Gàidhealach anns na bailtean–mòra, agus bidh Gàidheil a’ bhaile–mhòir fhathast a’ coinneachadh agus a’ cèilidh. Gheibhear foghlam tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig ann an cuid de na sgìrean air a’ Ghalltachd taobh a–muigh a’ bhaile–mhòir cuideachd. There are Highland communities in the the cities, and city Gaels still meet and ceilidh. Gaelic Medium Education can be had in some areas in the Lowlands outside of the cities as well.
Mar sin, tha seirbhisean nan comhairlean iomlan is farsaing. Ach càite am bi daoine a’ fuireach? So, Council services are comprehensive and widespread. But where do people live?
Aig aon àm bha a’ mhòr-chuid de na Gàidheil a’ fuireach nas fhaisge air meadhan a’ bhaile, ach a–nis tha mòran a’ fuireach nas fhaisge air iomall a’ bhaile. At one time, most Gaels lived close to the city/town centres, but now many live nearer the edge of the city/town.
Chuala mi sin mar–thà. Ach dè tha a’ tàladh dhaoine gus fuireach air a’ Ghalltachd? I heard that before. But what draws people to live in the Lowlands?
Ged a tha foghlam agus cothroman obrach ri fhaighinn air a’ Ghàidhealtachd, bidh mòran fhathast ag imrich dhan Ghalltachd airson foghlam. Even though education and work opportunities are available in the Highlands, many still migrate to the Lowlands for education.
Agus aon uair ‘s gu bheil iad an seo, tha cothroman obrach ann: ann an teagasg, craoladh agus anns na h–ealain. And once they are here, there are job opportunities: in teaching, broadcasting and the arts.
Sin e dìreach! Agus ged nach eil a h–uile Gàidheal a’ tighinn dhan Ghalltachd air sgàth an fhoghlaim no na Gàidhlig, nuair a ruigeas iad, gheibh iad coimhearsnachd Ghàidhealach an sin. That’s it! And though not every Gael comes to the Lowlands for their education, when they come/arrive, they find a Gaelic community there.