There were a few words and phrases there which you can use when talking about A dh'ionnsaigh comann–sòisealta nas fheàrr (Towards a better society) . Let's look at some of them again in context.
Feumar seo a leughadh.
This is a must–read (This must be read).
a dh'aindeoin na fianais(e)
despite the evidence.
a' dol a dh'ionnsaigh na sgoile
going towards the school
thug (thog) am balach fianais na aghaidh.
the boy testified against him
dha rèir–san
according to him
… gus an cuir sinn an grèim thu
… so that we can arrest you
a dheòin no a dh'aindeoin
willingly or not (willingly)
Bheir mise ionnsaigh ort
I will attack/come after you
cha tuirt am balach bìog
the boy didn't say a thing/word
a rèir na fianaise
according to the evidence
Fhuair e às!
He got off (got away with it)!
We'll catch up with some more of these as well as adding some new words and phrases to our vocabulary as we progress through this lesson.