An dàrna turas: This is a must–read

An dàrna turas: Feumar seo a leughadh

Let's have a look at this conversation again.

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An robh thu a' leantainn na sgeulachd sna naidheachdan?

Were you following the story in the news?

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Bha gu dearbh. Trobhad an seo! Feumar seo a leughadh.

I was indeed. Come here! This is a must–read (This must be read).

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A bheil thu a' faighneachd dè thachair leis a' bhalach?

Are you asking what happened with the boy?

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Tha, agus creid e! Fhuaradh neo–chiontach e a dh'aindeoin na fianaise.

We are, and would you believe it! He was found not guilty despite the evidence.

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Chunnaic poileas am balach a' dol a dh'ionnsaigh na sgoile an toiseach. Agus thug am balach fianais na aghaidh.

A policeman saw the boy going towards the school first. And the boy testified against him.

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An tug am balach fianais an aghaidh a' phoileis?

Did the boy testify against the police?

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Thug! Thuirt e, 'Thàinig iad dham ionnsaigh gun rabhadh sam bith.'

He did! He said, 'They came towards me without any warning.'

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Ach thuirt an t–oifigear nach eil sin fìor. Dha rèir–san thuirt esan, 'Thig dhar n–ionnsaigh gus an cuir sinn an grèim thu, a dheòin no a dh'aindeoin.'

But the officer said that that's not true. According to him he said, 'Come towards us so that we can arrest you, willingly or not.'

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Agus èist ris a seo! A rèir choltais thuirt am mèirleach ris a' bhalach: 'Bheir mise ionnsaigh ort ma dh'innseas tu dad dhaibh!' Agus cha tuirt am balach bìog an dèidh sin.

And listen to this! Apparently the thief said to the boy: 'I will attack/come after you if you tell them anything!' And the boy didn't say a word after that.

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Mar sin, a bheil e soilleir cò rinn dè?

So, is it clear who did what?

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Uill, a rèir na fianaise a th' ann, rinn am balach an eucoir. Ach chan fhaodar fianais aon neach a ghabhail. Feumar dearbhadh o neach eile, nach fheumar?

Well, according to the evidence, the boy committed the crime. But the testimony of one person cannot be accepted. Confirmation from another person is required, isn't it?

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Feumar. Agus leis nach robh na camarathan CCTV ag obair taobh na sgoile, chan fhaodar breith chiontach a thoirt seachad.

It is (required). And since the CCTV cameras were not working in the direction of the school, no guilty verdict can be given.

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Feumar gabhail ris na riaghailtean. Fhuair e às!

The rules must be accepted. He got off (got away with it)!