Towards a better society

A dh'ionnsaigh chomainn–sòisealta nas fheàrr

Deiseil? | Ready?

In this section, you'll have a gentle introduction to talking about A dh'ionnsaigh comann–sòisealta nas fheàrr (Towards a better society).

By the end of this short lesson, you should be confident about:

  • Roimhearan fillte – A DH'IONNSAIGH, A DH'AINDEOIN agus A RÈIR | Compound prepositions – A DH'IONNSAIGH, A DH'AINDEOIN agus A RÈIR

You will also learn about:

  • an tràth teachdail fulangach, riaghailteach le FEUM agus FAOD | the passive, regular future tense with FEUM and FAOD


Millidh droch cho–luadar deagh bheusan.
Evil company corrupts good manners.