Health & Wellbeing
Slàinte is Sunnd
Topic 38
Slàinte is Sunnd
Health & Wellbeing
Topic Introduction
Ag ràdh gu bheil rudeigin ceàrr ort
Saying that something is wrong with you
Section 1
A' bruidhinn mu dheidhinn cuideigin air a bheil tinneas
Talking about someone who has an illness
Section 2
Tha mi air mo ghoirteachadh
I have been hurt/ I am hurt
Section 3
Coimeasan dealbhach
Descriptive comparisons
Section 4
A’ fàs nas fheàrr agus a’ dol am feabhas
Getting better and improving
Section 5
Slàinte is Sunnd - Dèanta!
Section 6
Topic 12 (B1) Health & Wellbeing Slàinte is Sunnd
Sin thu fhèin!
Tha sinn cho toilichte gu bheil thu air tilleadh airson tuilleadh Gàidhlig ionnsachadh le SpeakGaelic.
In this topic we will learn some new words and expressions so that we can speak more about Slàinte is Sunnd (Health and Well–being).
You’ll learn how to:
- a' faighneachd mu slàinte is sunnd cuideigin | asking about someone's health and well–being …
- a' bruidhinn mu do shlàinte is do shunnd fhèin | talking about your own health and well–being
- a' bruidhinn mu shlàinte chuideigin eile | talking about someone else's health
- ag ràdh ma bhios slàinte cuideigin a' dol am feabhas no a' dol am miosad | saying if people's health is improving or deteriorating
- a' guidhe deagh shlàinte do dhaoine | wishing people good health
You’ll also learn about:
- Clàsan roimhearach: AIR AN ROBH, AIR A BHEIL, AIR AM BI | Prepositional clauses: AIR AN ROBH, AIR A BHEIL, AIR AM BI
- Riochdairean roimhearach le TRO: tromham, tromhad … | Prepositional pronouns with TRO: tromham, tromhad …
- Riochdairean roimhearach le BHO: bhuam, bhuat … | Prepositional pronouns with BHO: bhuam, bhuat …
- Qualitative nouns: feabhas, miosad | Ainmearan càileachdail: FEABHAS, MIOSAD
- Bilingual transcription: Dè tha ceàrr ort?
- Bilingual transcription: Riochdairean roimhearach
- Bilingual transcription: Tha an dèideadh orm
- Bilingual transcription: Slàinte is Sunnd