Take a trip

Gabh cuairt

In A2 Cuspair 13 we looked at idiomatic expressions which mean 'go' or 'take a trip', 'take a jaunt’. Here we'll take a look at some other idiomatic expressions to say, or to ask someone else to go somewhere.

Firstly, here are the expressions we saw already, using the verb gabh (take) and words like sgrìob (trip/jaunt), cuairt (trip/excursion), and turas (journey/trip/tour).

Ghabh mi sgrìob a Ghlaschu an–dè.
I took a jaunt to Glasgow yesterday.
Gabhaidh mi cuairt dha na h–eileanan as t–samhradh.
I'll take a trip to the islands in summer.
Bidh sinn a' gabhail turas a Dhùn Èideann an–ath–sheachdain.
We will be taking a trip to Edinburgh next week.
gabh! a' gabhail 
take! taking 
An do ghabh?Nach do ghabh?GhabhCha do ghabh
Did … take?Didn't … take?TookDidn't take
An gabh?Nach gabh?GabhaidhCha ghabh
Will … take?Won't … take?Will takeWon't take

We also saw that we can use dèan (do, make) with air or às . We say dèan air … for 'make for …' and dèan às for 'make off'.

Rinn mi air an tràigh Disathairne.
I made for the beach on Saturday.
Rinn mi às cho luath 's a thàinig Iain.
I made off as soon as Iain came.
dèan air/às! a' dèanamh air/às 
make for!/make off! making for/making off 
An do rinn …air/às?Nach do rinn …air/às?Rinn…air/àsCha do rinn …air/às
Did … make for/off?Didn't … make for/off?Made for/offDidn't make for/off
An dèan…air/às?Nach dèan …air/às?Nì …air/àsCha dèan …air/às
Will make for/off?Won't make for/off?Will make for/offWon't make for/off