A trip abroad
Cuairt thall thairis
Look at the sentences below and play with the different answers until you're happy with them. There are no wrong answers. Have fun!
An rachadh tu
Would you go
An deigheadh tu
Would you go
An tadhaileadh tu air dùthaich
Would you visit a country
Am feuchadh tu cuairt
Would you try a trip
An gabhadh tu cuairt
Would you take a trip
An seòladh tu
Would you sail
Am falbhadh tu
Would you go
Am falbhadh tu air iteig
Would you fly
An siùbhladh tu
Would you travel
thall thairis airson an dualchais a–mhàin, no a bheil an aimsir cudromach dhut?
abroad just for the culture, or is the weather important to you?