Complete for 2 points

An dàrna turas: An rachadh tu thall thairis?

Take two: Would you go abroad?

Let’s have a look at this conversation again.

Thuirt thu gur e sgeul eile a tha sin. An rachadh tu thall thairis, ma–thà? You said that it was another story. Would you go abroad, then?
Rachadh gu dearbh. Ach nach urrainn dhuinn tòisicheadh nas fhaisge air an taigh? I certainly would (go). But couldn’t we start closer to home [the house]?
B’ urrainn. Tòisicheamaid nas fhaisge air an taigh. An seòladh tu a dh’Èirinn? We could. Let’s start nearer the house. Would you sail to Ireland?
Sheòladh gu dearbh. Bu toigh leam a bhith a’ leantainn slighe Chaluim Chille—agus Moluag—bho Èirinn gu taobh siar na h–Alba. I would (sail) indeed. I would like to follow the path of Columba—and Moluag—from Ireland to the west coast of Scotland.
‘S e taistealachd a tha sin. An dèidh a bhith aig muir, an coisicheadh tu Camino de Santiago? That’s a pilgrimage. After being at sea, would you walk the Camino de Santiago?
Choisicheadh, ach leis gu bheil i cho fada, nach tigeadh tu cuide rium agus choisicheamaid an t–slighe còmhla? I would (walk), but because it’s so long, wouldn’t you come with me and we would walk the way together?
Thigeadh, agus choisicheadh . Bhitheamaid cho fallain ri fiadh agus deiseil airson nì sam bith an dèidh sin. I would come, and I would walk. We’d be as fit as fiddles and ready for anything after that.
An ruitheadh tu maraton ma–thà? Am b’ urrainn dhuinn maraton a ruith còmhla? Would you run a marathon? Could we run a marathon together?
Deagh bheachd! B’ urrainn, gu dearbh. Chunnaic mi am maraton ann an New York turas ach ‘s e maraton Tokyo is fheàrr leam. Bu mhiann leam sin a ruith. An tigeadh tu còmhla rium? Good idea. We could, certainly. I saw a marathon in New York once, but it’s the Tokyo marathon I would prefer. I’d wish/want to run that one. Would you come with me?
Thigeadh sa bhad! Agus fhad ‘s a bhiodh sinn ann an Tokyo, an tadhaileadh sinn air Mount Fuji? Yes, in a heartbeat [lit on the spot]. And while we’d be in Tokyo, could/would we visit Mount Fuji?
Carson nach tadhaileamaid air na culaidhean–iongnaidh is làraichean eachdraidheil uile? Why wouldn’t we visit all the attractions and historical sites?
Trobhad! Dèanamaid planaichean! Come on! Let’s make plans!