Poor Finlay!
Fionnlagh bochd!
Let’s have a look at this conversation. By the end of this short section, you will be able to have this conversation!

An dèan sibh rudeigin, Anna?
Will you do something, Anne?

Cha dèan. Nach dèan thu fhèin rudeigin, Iain?
I won’t. Won’t you do some something yourself, John?

Nì. An tèid mi dhan stèisean? Nach tèid sinne dhan stèisean?
I will. Will I go to the station? Won’t we go to the station?

Thèid. Am faic sinn Fionnlagh?
We will. Will we see Finlay?

Chan fhaic. Chì sinn am poileas. Nach fhaic e neach-lagha?
We will not. We will see the police. Won’t he see a lawyer?

Chì. Am faigh e comhairle bho neach-lagha?
He will. Will he get advice from a lawyer?

Gheibh. Gheibh e taic comhairle neach-lagha agus taic bhuainne.
He will. He will get advice from a lawyer and help from us.

Nach fhaigh e taic bho Mhàiri?
Won’t he get help from Mary?

Chan fhaigh. Chan eil fios aice!
He won’t. She doesn’t know!