We must meet
Feumaidh sinn coinneachadh
Let's have a look at this discussion. By the end of this section, you will be able to have this conversation! It's full of useful phrases that you can adapt to suit a whole range of situations.

Feumaidh sinn coinneachadh! A-muigh! Tha na coinneamhan air-loidhne seo ceart gu leòr ach tha mi airson a dhol a-mach!
We have to meet! Outside! These online meetings are alright but I want to go out!

Tha mi leat!
I'm with you!

Cuin agus càite?
When and where?

Dè mu dheidhinn àite ùr?
What about a new place?

Tha cafaidh ùr faisg air an taigh agam.
There's a new cafe near my house.

Glè mhath. An coinnich sinn an sin ma-tà?
Very good. Will we meet there then?

We will (meet)!

Fuirich mionaid. Saoilidh mi gun deach sinn ann roimhe, nach deach?
Wait a minute. I think we went there before, didn't we?

Cha deach. Choinnich sinn anns an taigh-bìdh sin - air beulaibh a' chafaidh - an-uiridh.
We didn't (go). We met in that restaurant - in front of the cafe - last year.

Ò, tha thu ceart, Iain.
Oh, you're right, John.

A bheil sibh an dùil gum bi iad fosgailte Diluain? Shaoil mi gun robh na cafaidhean dùinte Diluain?
Do you think they will be open on Monday? I thought the cafes were shut on Mondays.

Tha mi 'n dùil gum bi iad fosgailte.
I expect they'll be open.

Cuin a bhios sinn a' coinneachadh?
When will we meet (be meeting)?

Trì uairean feasgar?
Three pm?

Chì sinn ann sibh!
We'll see you (all) there!