Air Splaoid
Out and About

Out and About
Air Splaoid
Topic Introduction
A' toirt cuireadh do dhaoine
Inviting people
Section 1
A' faighneachd airson cead
Asking permission
Section 2
Ag ràdh gu bheil rudeigin a dhìth ort
Saying that you need something
Section 3
A' toirt seachad leisgeulan
Giving excuses
Section 4
A' bruidhinn air diofar sheòrsaichean de bhiadh is rudan a tha math dhut
Talking about food and what's good for you
Section 5
A' cleachdadh BHO
Using the preposition BHO
Section 6
Air splaoid - dèanta!
Out and About - complete
Section 7
Topic 9 (A2) Air Splaoid Out and About
Sin thu fhèin!
In A1 Cuspair 9, we looked at biadh is deoch (food and drink), and in this topic we will learn some new words and expressions so that we can speak more about beingair splaoid (out and about).
You’ll learn how to:
- A' toirt cuireadh do dhaoine | Inviting people
- A' faighneachd airson cead | Asking permission
- Ag ràdh gu bheil rudeigin a dhìth ort | Asking for what you need
- A' toirt seachad leisgeulan | Giving excuses
- A' bruidhinn air diofar sheòrsaichean de bhiadh is rudan a tha math dhut | Talking about food and what's good for you
- A' cleachdadh BHO | Using the preposition BHO
You’ll also learn about:
- Tuisealan : gairmeach , tabhartach agus ginideach a-rithist | noun cases: vocative, dative (prepositional) and genitive (possessive) again
- Gnìomhairean neo-iomlan: FAOD, FEUM | Defective verbs: FAOD, FEUM
- Riochdairean roimhearach le BHO: bhuam, bhuat, bhuaithe, bhuaipe, bhuainn, bhuaibh, bhuapa | Prepositional pronouns with BHO
- Barrachd biadh agus deoch | More food and drink
- Abairtean san taigh-sheinnse agus san taigh-bìdh | Phrases in the pub and in the restaurant
- Bilingual transcription - Dachaigh: Air Splaoid
- Bilingual transcription - Air-loidhne: Air Splaoid