News report
Aithris naidheachd 2
How did you get on? Here is the translation.
A new budget was agreed by the Parliament yesterday afternoon, but very hard questions were asked of the government by the opposition parties. The First Minister was asked to accept demands from the other parties. Some of the demands that were recommended were put into the budget, but that wasn't enough for the opposition. The budget still got agreed , although the opposition parties voted against it, as the ruling parties have a majority.
We can change sentences with a verb and object to passive sentences with rach . These sentences invert and the verb changes to a verbal noun :
Dh'aontaich iad plana ùr airson a' bhaile.
They agreed a new plan for the town.
Chaidh plana ùr aontachadh airson a' bhaile.
A new plan was agreed for the town.
Here are some more examples:
Dh'aontaich buill–phàrlamaid buidseat ùr an–diugh ann am Pàrlamaid na h–Alba.
Members of parliament agreed a new budget today in the Scottish Parliament.
Chaidh buidseat ùr aontachadh an–diugh ann am Pàrlamaid na h–Alba.
A new budget was/got agreed today in the Scottish Parliament.
Chuir daoine taic ris a' phàrtaidh riaghlaidh anns an taghadh an–dè.
People supported the ruling party in the election yesterday.
Chaidh taic a chur ris a' phàrtaidh riaghlaidh anns an taghadh an–dè.
Support was/got given to the ruling party in the election yesterday.
Bhathar a' moladh phoileasaidhean ùra sa Phàrlamaid.
New policies were being recommended in the Parliament.
Chaidh poileasaidhean ùra a mholadh sa Phàrlamaid.
New policies got/were recommended in the Parliament.
An do dh'atharraich beachd an Riaghaltais air a' chùis?
Did the Government change its opinion on the matter?
An deach beachd an Riaghaltais air a' chùis atharrachadh?
Was the Government's opinion on the matter changed?
Cha do chuir a' Phàrlamaid airgead ris a' phròiseact.
Parliament didn't give money to the project.
Cha deach airgead a chur ris a' phròiseact.
Money wasn't given to the project.