Numbers: dates and years

Àireamhan: deitichean is bliadhnaichean

We hear dates and years often in news reports. A handy list will follow in a moment.

Have a go at reading this short report. If you don't understand any words, try looking them up in your dictionary or the LearnGaelic faclair.

Chaidh Pàrlamaid na Roinn–Eòrpa a stèidheachadh ann an 1958 ' naoi ceud deug leth–cheud 's a h–ochd ', ach cha deach taghadh a chumail gu 1979 ' naoi ceud deug seachdad 's a naoi '. Chaidh a' Phàrlamaid a neartachadh ann an 2009 ' dà mhìle 's a naoi ' le Cùmhnant Lisbon agus chaidh àireamh nam ball–pàrlamaid a stèidheachadh aig seachd deug caogad ’s a h-aon . Dh'atharraich sin gu seachd ceud ’s e h-aon (701) ann an 2020 ' dà mhìle is fichead ' | ' fichead is fichead ' nuair a dh'fhàg Breatann an t–Aonadh Eòrpach.

Faclan feumail

pròiseas (m)
poileasaidh (m)
pròiseact (m)
crìoch (f)
bratach (f)
poblachd (f)
rìoghachd (f)
aonadh (m)
An t–Aonadh Eòrpach
The European Union
An Roinn–Eòrpa
Europe (The European Region)
An Rìoghachd Aonaichte
The United Kingdom
Poblachd na h–Èireann
The Republic of Ireland
stèidhich (v)
establish, found
stèidheachadh (m)
establishing, founding
diùlt (v)
refuse, reject
diùltadh (m)
refusing, rejecting

How did you get on? Here is the translation.

The European Parliament got/was established in 1958 'nineteen hundred and fifty eight', but an election didn't get/wasn’t held until 1979 'nineteen hundred and seventy nine'. The Parliament got/was strengthened in 2009 'two thousand and nine' by the Lisbon Treaty and the number of members of parliament was/got set at 751. That changed to 701 in 2020 'two thousand and twenty' | 'twenty twenty' when the United Kingdom left the European Union.