

There were a few words and phrases there which you can use when talking about Abairtean cumanta agus gnàthasan–cainnte (Common phrases and idioms). Let's look at some of them again in context.

Sùil a–rithist air na prìomh naidheachdan
A look again at the headlines (main news).
Tha fear à Port Rìgh … a' dol às àicheadh
A man from Portree … denies
A bheilear a' toirt iomradh air a sin a–rithist?
Is that being reported again?
Thathas ag ràdh gu bheil dàil mhòr air a bhith anns na cùirtean gu lèir …
It is said that there has been a long delay in all the courts …
… le ceudan de chùisean sia mìosan air deireadh anns a' bhliadhna gu ruige seo.
… with hundreds of cases six months behind so far (in) this year.
Tha a' chùis a' leantainn.
The case continues.
A bheilear den bheachd …?
Is it thought …?
Thathas a' cur fàilte air a' phasgan ùr de thaic–airgid
A new package of financial support … has been welcomed
Abair faochadh!
What a relief!
Chaidh fàilte a chur air an aiseag ùr a thathas a' togail ann am Port Ghlaschu.
A new ferry being built in Port Glasgow was welcomed.
Dh'aidich a’ Phrìomh–mhinistear gun tug an obair na b' fhaide na bhathar an dùil …
The First Minister admitted that work had taken longer than expected …
… ach chaidh i às àicheadh gur i an Riaghaltas a bu choireach.
… but she denied that the Government was at fault
Bidh geàrr-chunntas eile de na naidheachdan a-rithist a-nochd aig ochd uairean air BBC ALBA.
There will be another summary of the news tonight at eight o'clock on BBC Alba.

We'll catch up with some more of these as well as adding some new words and phrases to our vocabulary as we progress through this lesson.