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Complete for 2 points

Abair cuairt

What a trip

Let’s have a look at this discussion. By the end of this section, you will have learned some valuable phrases that you can use in lots of different conversations.

Abair cuairt a bha siud. Tha mi air a bhith a’ dol timcheall na coimhearsnachd a’ lorg bùth a bha fosgailte. What a trip that was. I’ve been going round the neighbourhood looking for a shop that was open.
Agus carson a tha sin a’ dèanamh dragh dhut? And why does that bother you?
Cha robh mi ag iarraidh ach pocannan–tì! A bheil fhios agad gu bheil dà bhùth fosgailte gu deich uairean feasgar? I only wanted teabags! Do you know that there are two shops open until ten PM?
Tha fios ’am: a’ bhùth phinc aig ceann an rathaid, agus a’ bhùth ghorm aig bun an rathaid. Yes, I do know: the pink shop at the top of the road, and the blue shop at the bottom of the road.
Sin e dìreach! Uill, chaidh mi suas an rathad agus bha a’ bhùth phinc dùinte! That’s exactly it! Well, I went up the road and the pink shop was shut!
Seadh. Dè rinn thu an uair sin? Uh–huh. What did you do then?
Uill, nach deach mi sìos an rathad agus—creid e—bha a’ bhùth ghorm dùinte cuideachd! Well, didn’t I go down the road and—would you believe it—the blue shop was shut as well!
Ìoc! Dè rinn thu an uair sin? Heavens! What did you do then?
Uill, thàinig smuain eile thugam. Tha bùth eile ann air Sràid a’ Phrionnsa, aig ceann shuas na sràide. A bheil thu eòlach oirre? Well, I had another thought [lit. another thought came to me]. There is another shop on Princes Street, at the top end of the street. Do you know it?
Tha. Siud a’ bhùth uaine! Yes (I do). That’s the green shop!
Dìreach. Uill, chaidh mi suas an t–sràid agus mo chreach-sa thàinig, bha ise dùinte cuideachd! Exactly/Indeed. Well, I went up the street and—my goodness—it was shut as well.
Cha robh, an robh? It wasn’t, was it?
Nach eil fhios agad gun robh. Ach chaidh mi sìos an t–sràid agus saoil dè a lorg mi ach bùth eile a bha fosgailte, bùth bhuidhe, aig ceann shìos na sràide. Don’t you know it was. But I went down the street and what do you think I found but another shop which was open, a yellow shop, at the bottom end of the street.
Tha am pathadh orm ag èisteachd riut! Dèan cupa tì dhomh. Dall ort! I’m thirsty (just) listening to you. Make me a cup of tea. On you go!