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Complete for 2 points

Mum choinneamh

Opposite me

If we want to use pronouns: mi, thu, e, i, sinn, sibh, iad with compound prepositions, we need to use a combined form mum (mu mo) choinneamh (opposite me). With compound prepositions we typically just add the possessive adjectives mo, do, a, a/a h–, ar/ar n–, ur/ur n–, an/am between the two parts of the compound preposition:

PronounPossessive AdjectiveCompound preposition + possessive adjective
mimomu mo choinneamh/mum choinneamh
I/memyopposite me
thudomu do choinneamh/mud choinneamh
youyouropposite you
eamu choinneamh
he/himhisopposite him
ia/a h–mu coinneamh
she/herheropposite her
sinnar/ar n–mu ar coinneamh/mar coinneamh
we/usouropposite us
sibhur/ur n–mu ur coinneamh/mur coinneamh
you [pl]your [pl]opposite you [pl]
iadan/ammu an coinneamh/mun coinneamh
they/themtheiropposite them

A bheil duine sam bith a’ fuireach os do chionn?

Does anyone live above you?

Cò tha a’ fuireach mur coinneamh?

Who lives opposite you?

A bheil nàbaidhean ri ur taobh?

Are there neighbours beside you?

An robh nàbaidh air a beulaibh?

Was there a neighbour in front of her?