In the còmhradh (conversation) below, we'll see some examples of the genitive (possessive) case after compound prepositions .
Why don't you have a go at reading this out to yourself! Or if you have a Gaelic speaking/learning friend, you could each take turns. It will be fun—siuthad!
An cuala tu gun do thog iad flataichean ùra ri taobh na pàirce? Chuir an naidheachd seo dearg fhearg ormsa nuair a chuala mi i. Tha mi den bheachd gun dèan iad cron air a' phàirc fhèin.
Did you hear that they built new flats beside the park? The news made me really angry when I heard it. I think that they'll damage the park itself.
Cha chuala. Cha chuala mi sin. Tha sin uabhasach. Chan eil mise ag iarraidh gum bi togalach àrd de fhlataichean ùra mu choinneamh an taighe agamsa idir! Dè as urrainn dhomh dèanamh mu dheidhinn?
I didn't. I didn't hear that. That's terrible. I don't want a tall/big block of new flats (tall building of new flats) opposite my house at all! What can I do about it?
Uill, chunnaic mi air na meadhanan sòisealta gum bi am boireannach a tha os cionn a' bhuidhinn ionadail againn a' sgrìobhadh athchuinge chun na comhairle. Feumaidh sinn ar n–ainmean a chur ris an toiseach.
Well, I saw on social media that the woman who is in charge of our community council is writing a petition to the council. We'll have to put our names to it first.
Nì mi sin. Nuair a thèid mi dhachaigh an dèidh m' obair, bheir mi sùil air an athchuinge sin air–loidhne agus bruidhnidh mi ris a' bhoireannach a tha os cionn a' bhuidhinn ionadail cuideachd.
I'll do that. When I go home after (my) work, I'll have a look at the petition online and I'll speak to the woman who is in charge of the community council as well.
Did you get them all? Although ‘chun’ is not a compound preposition, it still takes the genitive case.