Bilingual transcription: Beside the church

Bilingual transcription: Ri taobh na h-eaglaise

Watch this clip where Joy gives us some of her useful tips and favourite phrases.

Now, we've used some compound prepositions before on SpeakGaelic. They comprise a preposition and a noun, and usually cause the following noun to be in the genitive or possessive case.

Let's look at some of them, which can be used to say where something is. 

ri  + taobh is beside, ri taobh.   Bheir sinn sùil air eisimpleir a tha cleachdadh ri taobh.  If something is beside the church, say, and remember eaglais is feminine, it’s:

ri taobh/na h–eaglaise, beside the church, ri taobh na h–eaglaise.

To indicate that something is opposite, we use

mu + choinneamh, mu choinneamh;

 If something is opposite the school, it’s:

mu choinneamh/na sgoile, mu choinneamh na sgoile.

To say that something is in front of, we use air + beulaibh, (and) in front of, air beulaibh. To say something is in front of the building, and since the word togalach is masculine, putting them together gives us:

air beulaibh/an togalaich, air beulaibh an togalaich.