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An e sin an nàbaidh a tha a' fuireach mud choinneamh?

Is that the neighbour who stays opposite (you)?

Let’s have a look at this discussion. By the end of this section, you will have learned some valuable phrases that you can use in lots of different conversations.

Haidh, a Mhairead. Tha mi a’ faicinn gu bheil parsail air tighinn a–steach, ach chan e d’ ainm a tha air. Hi, Mairead. I see that a parcel has come in, but it’s not your name that’s on it.
Fuirich gus am faic mi. Och ‘s ann dha mo nàbaidh a tha e. Wait till I see. Och it’s for my neighbour.
An e sin an nàbaidh a tha a’ fuireach mud choinneamh? Is that the neighbour who stays opposite you?
Chan e. ‘S e sin an nàbaidh a tha a’ fuireach an ath dhoras dhomh. ‘S e tè–lagha a th’ innte, agus ‘s ann à Astràilia a tha i. No (it isn’t). It’s the neighbour who stays next door to me. She’s a lawyer, and she’s from Australia.
Nach ann air an àite seo a thàinig an dà latha! Nuair a bha m’ antaidh a’ fuireach air an t–sràid seo, bha teaghlaichean mòra ann (gun mòran airgid) agus bha a h–uile duine eòlach air a chèile. ‘S e fìor choimhearsnachd a bh’ ann. Hasn’t this place changed [lit isn’t it on this place that the two days have come]. When my aunt lived on this street, there were big families (without much money) and everyone knew each other. It was a real community.
Tha fios ’am. Tha prìsean san sgìre seo air a dhol suas gu mòr. I know. Prices in this area have increased/gone up a lot.
Agus tha sin a’ ciallachadh nach fhaigh mòran an cothrom gluasad a–steach dhan choimhearsnachd seo a–nise. Ach feumaidh mi ràdh gu bheil mi eòlach air a h–uile duine sa chlobhsa agam. Cò ris a tha muinntir an àite coltach san sgìre agadsa? And that means that many won’t/don’t get the opportunity to move into this neighbourhood now. But I have to say that I do know everyone in this close. What are the people who live in [inhabitants of] your area like?
Uill, ‘s e sgìre gu math Gàidhealach a th’ ann fhathast agus—mar a bha na Gàidheil riamh—thug muinntir an àite fàilte ‘s furan dhuinn air a’ chiad latha! Well, it’s still a very Highland area, and as the Gaels have always been, the inhabitants gave us a warm welcome on the (very) first day!
Mar sin, cha bhi sibh airson imrich uaireigin a dh’aithghearr. So, you won’t be for moving anytime soon.
Cha bhi! Le coimhearsnaich cho fialaidh, bàidheil agus càirdeil, tha sinn toilichte far a bheil sinn! No (we won’t). With neighbours so generous, affectionate and friendly, we’re happy where we are!