We saw different sentences in the guth fhulangach (passive voice) in the first part of series B1. We learned the structures below in Cuspair 6, Cuspair 7, Cuspair 9, Cuspair 10 and Cuspair 11.
Tha Iain air a ghoirteachadh.
John has been hurt.
Tha obair ri dèanamh.
There is work to be done.
Thathas ag ràdh gun do ghoid Sìleas an t–airgead.
It is said that Julia stole the money.
Chualas fuaim àrd aig ceann na sràide.
A loud noise was heard at the end of the street.
Chaidh a’ chèic a bheicearachd an-dè
The cake was baked yesterday
In the conversation (above) another regular structure appeared which we can use to form a sentence in the guth fulangach.
In A2, Cuspair 4 we saw the structure:
ga + possessive adjective + verbal noun, e.g.
A bheil thu gam thuigsinn?
Are you understanding me [lit. at my understanding]?
However, tha na binichean gan togail has a passive meaning, where the ga structure always refers back to the gender and number of the subject, mi + gam, e + ga, sibh + gur etc. This is the progressive passive and it is used mostly in the present tense and the past tense.
Tha an staidhre ga glanadh aon uair sa chola–deug
The stair is (being) cleaned once a fortnight
Tha na binichean gan togail uair san t–seachdain
The bins are (being) lifted once a week
… agus tha am feur ga ghearradh aon uair sa mhìos.
… and the grass is (being) cut once a month.
Chan eil an doras ga fhosgladh
The door isn’t being opened.
Tha sinn gar clàradh!
We are being recorded!
A bheil mi gam leantainn leis an duine sin?
Am I being followed by this man?
Bha am mullach ga chàradh an–uiridh.
The roof was being fixed last year.
Cha chuala mi an uinneag ga dùnadh idir.
I didn’t hear at all the window being closed.
Chan eil iad gan losgadh anns an teine.
They are not being burned in the fire.
Nach eil an taigh ga reic an–dràsta?
Isn’t the house being sold just now?