Why don’t you have a go at this task? If you have a Gaelic–speaking/learning friend, you could do this together. If you don’t—no problem—you can have double the fun! Siuthad!
You have moved to a new town and you have to find out information about council services in the town. Talk about these leaflets where you will find information about these two places: Dùn Dè (Dundee) and Glaschu (Glasgow).
You could take one of the cities and answer questions about this using the passive voice.
Comhairle Baile Dhùn Dè | Dundee City Council | ||
Binichean àbhaisteach | Fiosrachadh ri lorg air làrach–lìn na Comhairle | General waste bins | Information to be found on the Council website |
Ath–chuairteachadh | Gach cola–deug air diofar làithean airson gach sgìre | Recycling | Every fortnight on different days for each area |
Glanadh nan sràidean | Oidhche Shathairne agus oidhche Dhòmhnaich | Street cleaning | Saturday night and Sunday night |
Gearradh an fheòir | Aon turas gach mìos as t–earrach is as t–samhradh | Grass cutting | Once a month in the spring and summer |
Comhairle Baile Ghlaschu | Glasgow City Council | ||
Binichean àbhaisteach | Feumaidh tu pàigheadh airson na seirbheise mus faigh thu fiosrachadh. | General waste bins | You have to pay for the service before you can get information. |
Ath–chuairteachadh | Gach seachdain | Recycling | Weekly |
Glanadh nan sràidean | A h–uile oidhche | Street cleaning | Nightly |
Gearradh an fheòir | Aon turas gach mìos: as t–earrach is as t–samhradh | Grass cutting | Once a month in the spring and summer |
Cuin a bhios na binichean àbhaisteach gan togail ann am baile mòr Ghlaschu?
When are the general (waste) bins lifted in the city of Glasgow?
Feumaidh tu pàigheadh airson na seirbheise mus faigh thu fiosrachadh!
You have to pay for the service before you can get information!