Bilingual transcription: The passive voice with GA
Bilingual transcription: Fulangach le GA
Watch this clip where Joy gives us some of her useful tips and favourite phrases, and this time, it's all about GA.
By now you’ll recognise a sentence like Tha mi gan cuideachadh , I’m helping them.
When the object of the verbal noun a’ cuideachadh is a pronoun (them), we need to bring it to the front in the form of GAM, GAD, or here GAN, ‘at them’, Tha mi gan cuideachadh . For example: I was doing it: Bha mi ga dhèanamh .
We can use the same structure in the passive sense of something being done: For example: I was being worn down by work: Bha mi gam shàrachadh le obair .
Or: The dinner was being made: Bha an dinnear ga dèanamh . For this meaning, of something being done, the possessive GA particle has to match the subject of the sentence.
So ‘I was being...’ Bha mi GAM ..., You were being, Bha thu GAD ..., Linda was being... Bha Linda GA ... Linda was being trained, Bha Linda ga trèanadh . We were being followed: Bha sinn gar leantainn .