Bilingual transcription: On your left hand side

Bilingual transcription: Air do làimh chlì

Watch this clip where Joy gives us some of her useful tips and favourite phrases.

Nach sinn a bha trang! In today's episode, we learned some simple directions for where things may be in your nàbachd.

The end of the road is ceann an rathaid, ceann an rathaid.

If you wanted to explain that something is further up the road, tha e:

shuas an rathad; shuas an rathad

And if it’s down the road,

tha e shìos an rathad, shìos an rathad.

If something is on your left–hand side, it’s  

air do làimh chlì air do làimh chlì, and if it’s on your right–hand side, tha e

air do làimh dheis, air do làimh dheis.

We also looked at some compound prepositions:

Beside the church is ri taobh/na h–eaglaise, ri taobh na h–eaglaise. If something is opposite the school, it’s mu choinneamh/na sgoile, mu choinneamh na sgoile.