Health and happiness

Slàinte is toileachas

What are the things that you want?

Look at the things which many of us want.

beartas (beairteas) (m)
wealth, riches
soirbheas (m)
saidhbhreas (m)
toileachas (m)
beartach (beairteach) (adj)
carthannas (m)
iarrtas (m)
demand, request
slàinte (f)

If we are saying that we want a thing— ainmear (noun)—we have to change the order of the sentence.



We saw the rule for iomlaid first in A2 Cuspair 12 , and we saw this again with bu mhiann in B1 Cuspair 7 .

abairt mhòdailcùisearcuspair dìreachgnìomhair
modal phrase / verbsubjectdirect objectverb

Iomlaid (inversion) occurs when we swap around the order of a verb/verbal noun and direct object.

There are a few structures which cause inversion, but the most common one is mòdail (modal) verbs or phrases.

This simply means verbs or phrases which express miann (desire), comas (ability) or feum (necessity) to do something.

You can take another look at the rules and patterns in 23A Duilleag Mìneachaidh or in A2 Cuspair 12 .

gabh saor–làitheanNach eil Donnchadh ag iarraidh saor–làithean a ghabhail am–bliadhna?
 Isn't Duncan wanting to take a holiday this year?
tog taigh ùrChan fhaod iad taigh ùr a thogail an seo.
 They cannot build a new house here.
dèan an obair sinAm bu toil le Sìne an obair sin a dhèanamh ?
 Would Jane like to do that work?
ith seòclaideanNach fheàrr le Seonaidh seòclaidean ithe ?
 Won't Jonny prefer to eat chocolates?
càirich seann chàrFeumaidh iad an seann chàr a chàradh .
 They have to repair the old car.
cosg airgeadCha bu mhiann leam airgead a chosg air brògan ùra!
 I wouldn't like to spend money on new shoes!
ionnsaich cànanA bheil thu ag iarraidh cànan eile ionnsachadh ?
 Do you want to learn another language?
ionnsaich CuimrisTha mi ag iarraidh Cuimris ionnsachadh .
 I want to learn Welsh.