What do you want to drink?
Dè tha thu ag iarraidh ri òl?
Let's have a look at this discussion. By the end of this section, you will have learned some valuable phrases that you can use in lots of different conversations.

Dè tha thu ag iarraidh ri òl, a Mhàiri?
What do you want to drink, Màiri?

Tha mi ag iarraidh cupa còco, mas e do thoil.
I want a cup of cocoa, please.

Glè mhath.
Very good.

Cha chaomh leam teòclaid theth, dìreach còco.
I don't like hot chocolate, just cocoa.

Dè bu toil leatsa, Fhionnlaigh?
What would you like, Finlay?

Bu toil leam cupa teatha fhaighinn, taing.
I would like [to get] a cup of tea, thanks.

Dè mu do dheidhinn–sa, Anna? Dè bu mhiann leat?
What about you, Anna? What would you like?

Bu chaomh leam cupa cofaidh fhaighinn—ach an uair sin bhithinn nam dhùisg. 'S dòcha nach caomh leam sin.
I would like to have a cup of coffee—but then I'd be wide awake. I probably don’t want that.

Is miann leamsa uisge ach cha bu mhiann leam am blas ceimigeach air an uisge aca a–staigh an seo.
I like water but I wouldn't like the chemical taste of the water they have in here.

Is mathaid gum b' àill leam cupa teatha aig an àm seo dhen latha.
Perhaps I'd want [wish for] a cup of tea at this time of the day.

'S toil leamsa uisge teth le sliseag liomaide uair sam bith.
I like hot water with a slice of lemon at any time.

Math dh'fhaodte gum bu mhiann leam sin. Deagh bheachd, Fhionnlaigh!
Perhaps I would like that. Good idea, Finlay!