I would wish, I would like …

Bu mhiann leam …

The topic/subject of this lesson is miannan (desires) and we'll be talking about the things we want, and the things we would like.

First we'll look at iomlaid (inversion) again. We saw bu mhiann in Cuspair 7 . Here it is below: Is miann (like, desire, wish) and Bu mhiann (would like, desire, wish).

Am miannleathataigh ùra thogail?✅Is miann⛔Cha mhiann
Nach miannleibhcofaidhòl?✅Is miann⛔Cha mhiann
Nach miannleothaairgeada choisinn?✅Is miann⛔Cha mhiann
Am bu mhiannleam  ✅Bu mhiann⛔Cha bu mhiann
Nach bu mhiannleatobair ùrfhaighinn?✅Bu mhiann⛔Cha bu mhiann
Nach bu mhiannleisleabhara sgrìobhadh?✅Bu mhiann⛔Cha bu mhiann

We can see how we use bu mhiann with the questions ceistean (questions) we learned.

BU MHIANN [neo–eisimeileach] AM BU MHIANN [eisimeileach]
Ciamar a bu mhiann ?Càit am bu mhiann ?
Cò | Dè bu mhiann ? … gum bu mhiann
Cuin a bu mhiann ? … nach bu mhiann
Carson a bu mhiann ? 

Remember that we use inversion with other modal phrases as well.

We saw and heard some of these in the conversation at the beginning of this section.

Is/'S toil [+ le]Is/'S toil leamI like …
Bu toil [+ le]Bu toil leamI would like …
Is/'S caomh [+ le]Is/'S caomh leamI like …
Bu chaomh [+ le] …Bu chaomh leam …I would like …
Is/'S math [+ le]Is/'S math leamI like … /I am fond of …
Bu mhath [+ le] …Bu mhath leam …I would like … [more common]
Is àill [+ le]Is àill leamI want, like, desire …
B' àill [+ le]B' àill leamI'd want, like, desire …

And there are some more useful modal phrases which use inversion.

Bu dùraig [+ do]Bu dùraig dhomhI'd like to/I'd dare to
Is fhiach [+ do]Is fhiach dhutIt's worth/you should
B' fhiach [+ do]B' fhiach dhutIt would be worth/You should have
Is/'S àbhaist [+ do]Is/'S àbhaist dhomhI usually …
B' àbhaist [+ do]B' àbhaist dhomhI'd usually …
Am bu toil leat taigh ùr a thogail?
Would you like to build a new house?
Is fhiach dhut flat a cheannach.
It's worth [you] buying a flat.
Bu dùraig dhomh turas cuairt an t–saoghail a dhèanamh.
I'd like to/I'd dare to do a round–the–world trip.
'S àbhaist dhomh èisteachd ri Na Dùrachdan feasgar Dihaoine.
I usually listen to Na Dùrachdan [programme] on Friday evening.

We'll look more closely at iomlaid as we progress through this section.

Dè bu mhiann leat dèanamh le do chuid Gàidhlig?
What would you like/wish to do with your Gaelic?
Am bu mhiann leat obair fhaighinn ann an saoghal na Gàidhlig?
Would you like to get a job in the world of Gaelic?
Am bu mhiann leat fuireach ann an àite far a bheil Gàidhlig ga bruidhinn?
Would you like to stay/live in a place where Gaelic is spoken?
Am bu mhiann leat SpeakGaelic B2 a dhèanamh?
Would you like to do SpeakGaelic B2?