Perhaps and maybe

Is mathaid agus is dòcha

In A2 Cuspair 3 we saw that we can put phrases/expressions such as: Tha mi an dòchas … and Tha eagal orm … ro fho–chlàsan (before subordinate clauses) using … gun … , no … nach … with the dependent form of the verb.

Is dòcha

We have seen earlier in the course that subordinate clauses with … gun | … nach , can be introduced with phrases like: tha mi an dòchas or tha eagal orm , where we are prefacing the following statement with doubt, hope, fear, and so on.

Other common phrases for doing this are: is mathaid (perhaps), is dòcha (maybe), and math dh'fhaodte (possibly).

Is mathaid
perhaps, perchance
Is dòcha
maybe, possibly
Math dh'fhaodte
possibly, perhaps
Is dòcha gum bu mhiann leis an càr a ghlanadh.Maybe he would wish to clean the car.
Is mathaid gum b' urrainn dhuinn a dhol ann còmhla.Perhaps we could go there together.
Is dòcha gum bu mhiann leat càr ùr a cheannach.Perhaps you would like to buy a new car.
Math dh'fhaodte nach bu mhiann leat gluasad gu taigh ùr.Perhaps you wouldn't like to move to a new house.
Math dh'fhaodte nach toil leatha ball–coise.Possibly she doesn't like football.
Is mathaid nach bu mhiann leatha an cùrsa a dhèanamh am–bliadhna.Perhaps she wouldn't want to do the course this year.