Feuch e: Will prices and the cost of living fall?

Feuch e: An tuit prìsean agus cosgaisean bith-beò?

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Ma thuiteas ìre na h-atmhorachd, an tuit prìsean agus cosgaisean bith-beò?

If the inflation rate falls, will prices and the cost of living fall?

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Cha tuit aig toiseach gnothaich. Mar a thuirt mi roimhe, chan eil sin a' ciallachadh gum bi prìsean a' tuiteam. Tha e a' ciallachadh nach bi iad ag èirigh cho luath! They will not fall initially. As I said before, that does not mean that prices will fall. It means that they won't rise as quickly!
Cha tuit. Chan eil fhios ’am an tuit prìsean a-rithist. They won't. I don't know if prices will (ever) fall again.
Gu dearbha fhèin, cha tuit! Fuirichidh iad aig ìre àrd. 'S i a' cheist: dè cho luath 's a bhios iad ag èirigh! Of course they won't! They will remain at a high level. The question is: how quickly will they rise!