Will prices and the cost of living fall?
An tuit prìsean agus cosgaisean bith-beò?
Let's have a look at this discussion. By the end of this section, you will have learned some valuable phrases that you can use in lots of different conversations.

Ma thuiteas ìre na h-atmhorachd, an tuit prìsean agus cosgaisean bith-beò?
If the inflation rate falls, will prices and the cost of living fall?

Cha tuit aig toiseach gnothaich. Mar a thuirt mi roimhe, chan eil sin a' ciallachadh gum bi prìsean a' tuiteam. Tha e a' ciallachadh nach bi iad ag èirigh cho luath!
They will not fall initially. As I said before, that does not mean that prices will fall. It means that they won't rise as quickly!

Bhite an dùil gun tuiteadh ìre na h-atmhorachd nan robh an eaconamaidh na b' fhallaine, ge-tà.
It would be expected that the rate of inflation would fall if the economy were healthier, however.

Mar sin, chan eil an t-airgead a' ceannach na b' àbhaist, ach bithear an dùil ris na h-aon chìsean 's a b' àbhaist. A bheil sin ceart?
Therefore, money doesn't buy as much as it used to, but the same taxes will be expected as before. Is that correct?

Gu dearbh fhèin, tha! Phàighte—agus pàighear—cìsean aig an aon ìre. Mar sin, tha sin a' ciallachadh le atmhorachd, gu bheil lùghdachadh ann an cìs airgid dhan riaghaltas—riaghaltas sam bith.
Yes, indeed! Taxes would—and will—be paid at the same rate. So, that means with inflation, there is a reduction in tax money for the government—any government.

Tha cìsean fa leth againn ann an Alba, nach eil?
We have separate taxes in Scotland, don’t we?

Tha. Pàighear cìsean ionadail mar Chìs na Comhairle. Thathar a’ riaghladh Cìs-chosnaidh ann an Alba cuideachd. Ach chan eilear a’ riaghladh na Cìse-chorporaid an seo, ’s mòr am beud.
Yes (we do). Local taxes are paid as Council Tax. Income Tax is also regulated in Scotland. But the Corporation Tax is not regulated here, more’s the pity.

Bidh mòran air a' Ghàidhealtachd agus anns na h-Eileanan a' bruidhinn air cìs talmhainn. An cuala sibh mu deidhinn?
Many people in the Highlands and Islands talk about land tax. Have you heard of it?

Chuala. Ann an dòigh, 's e Cìs Luach Talmhainn a bhios ann. Phàighte barrachd chìsean le daoine beairteach nan cuirte Cìs Luach Talmhainn an gnìomh ann an Alba.
I have (heard). In a way, it's a Land Value Tax. More taxes would be paid by wealthy people if Land Value Tax were implemented in Scotland.

Mar sin, chuirte cìsean gu sporan Riaghaltas na h-Alba, an cuirte?
So, taxes would be sent to the (purse of the) Scottish Government, wouldn't they?

Chuirte. Bhiodh an dùthaich seo beairteach thar tomhais!
They would. This country would be rich beyond measure!

Agus cha bhite a' fulang le bochdainn no gainnead airgid tuilleadh!
And there would be no suffering from poverty or lack of money any more!

Air do shocair, 'ille! Cha chàradh sin a h-uile trioblaid!
Relax, man/son! That wouldn't fix all the problems!