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Complete for 2 points

Bhite an dùil 2

It would be expected 2

How would you translate these phrases into Gaelic?

It would be expected that they would raise the interest rate(s) this month.

Higher taxes would be paid if the system were (would be) more simple.

It was not expected that the rate of inflation would fall before Christmas.

It is expected that the Chancellor of the Exchequer will speak in parliament today.

Agus seo dhut na freagairtean!

Bhite an dùil gun togadh iad ìre an rèidh air a’ mhìos seo.

It would be expected that they would raise the interest rates this month.

Phàighte cìsean na b’ àirde nam biodh an siostam na bu shìmplidhe.

Higher taxes would be paid if the system were (would be) more simple.

Cha robhar an dùil gun tuiteadh ìre na h-atmhorachd ron Nollaig.

It was not expected that the rate of inflation would fall before Christmas.

Thathar / Bithear an dùil gum bruidhinn Seansalair an Ionmhais anns a’ phàrlamaid an-diugh.

It is expected that the Chancellor of the Exchequer will speak in parliament today.