Feuch e: Where will the money come from?

Feuch e: Cò às a thig an t-airgead?

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Tha fios ’am. Am faca tu gu bheil gainnead airgid aice?

I know. Did you see that it is short of money?

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Chunnaic. Agus chan e a-mhàin gu bheil a' chomhairle againn gann de dh'airgead, tha i air a bogadh ann am fiachan! I did (see). And not only is our council short of money, it is steeped in debt!
Chunnaic. Chan eil fhios dè no cò bu choireach, a bheil fhios agadsa? I did (see). I don't know what or who's to blame/responsible, do you know?
Chan fhaca. Carson nach eil airgead gu leòr aca? I didn't. Why don't they have enough money?