Short of money
Gann de dh'airgead
In the conversation, we heard Murchadh say Tha a' Chomhairle gann de dh'airgead. (The Council is short of money.)
This is one of the ways we have to talk about gainnead (scarcity, lack).
Here we'll take a look at a couple of expressions which use the prepositions de and ri .
gainnead (m)
scarcity, shortage
gann (adj)
gann de
short of
an dùil ri
gabh ri
an uimhir de
the amount of
Gainnead is an ainmear (noun).
Bha gainnead luchd-obrach san Eilean.
There was a shortage of workers in (the Island/Skye).
Gann is a buadhair (adjective).
Tha airgead gann an-dràsta.
Money is scarce just now.
To say that someone or something is 'short of' something, gann de is used.
Tha an sgoil gann de thidsearan
The school is short of teachers.
We can use gann on its own as an adjective here as well.
Tha tidsearan gann san sgoil.
Teachers are scarce in the school.
When we combine the verb gabh with the preposition ri it means 'accept'.
Tha a' chompanaidh a' gabhail ris a' chàin a chuireadh oirre leis an ùghdarras.
The company is accepting the fine put on them by the authority.
Bha an teaghlach gann de dh'airgead gus an do bhuannaich iad an crannchur.
The family was short of money until they won the lottery.
Cha b' urrainn dhomh gluasad leis an uimhir de dhaoine a bha an làthair.
I could not move with the amount of people present.
Chualas air na naidheachdan gu bheil uisge gann san sgìre.
It was heard on the news that water is scarce in the area.
Tha gainnead bìdh san dùthaich air sgàth a' chogaidh.
There is a lack of food in the country because of the war.
Thathas an dùil gun cuirear ìrean rèidh suas aig deireadh na mìos.
It is expected that interest rates will be raised at the end of the month.
Tha an luchd-obrach, a bha air stailc, a' gabhail ri àrdachadh pàighidh.
The workers, who were on strike, are accepting a pay increase.
Why don't you have a go at this task! If you have a Gaelic–speaking friend, you could do this together. If you don't—no problem—you can have double the fun!
Use these questions to have/hold a conversation.
A bheil luchd-obrach gann far a bheil thusa a' fuireach?
Is there a shortage of workers where you live?
No, a bheil gainnead obraichean ann?
Or, is there a shortage of jobs?
A bheil a' Chomhairle Ionadail agad gann de dh'airgead an-dràsta?
Is your Local Council short of money at the moment?
A bheil sin a' toirt buaidh air seirbheisean?
Does that affect services?
A bheil thu a' gabhail ris gun tèid seirbheisean poblach a ghearradh?
Do you accept that public services will be cut?
A bheil thu a' gabhail ris gun cuirear cìsean suas?
Do you accept that taxes will be raised?
A bheil thu an dùil ri àrdachadh ann an ìre na h-atmhorachd am-bliadhna?
Do you expect an increase in the rate of inflation this year?