Take two: Where will the money come from?
An dàrna turas: Cò às a thig an t-airgead?
Let's have a look at this conversation again.

Feumar teachd a-steach na comhairle againne àrdachadh no bidh sinn uile ann an staing.
The income of our council must be increased or we will all be in trouble.

Tha fios ’am. Am faca tu gu bheil gainnead airgid aice?
I know. Did you see that it is short of money?

Chunnaic. Agus chan e a-mhàin gu bheil a' chomhairle againn gann de dh'airgead, tha i air a bogadh ann am fiachan!
I did (see). And not only is our council short of money, it is steeped in debt!

Tha na sgoiltean gann de thidsearan, tha seirbheis togail nam bionaichean na rù-rà le dìth luchd-obrach agus tha uireasbhaidhean follaiseach anns na seirbheisean sòisealta uile!
The schools are short of teachers, the bin collection service is in a shambles due to understaffing and there are obvious deficiencies in all the social services!

Mo chreach! Ghabh mi ri àrdachadh chìsean na comhairle am-bliadhna, ged a bha e doirbh dhuinn. Ach a bheil thu ag ràdh a-nis nach toir sin piseach air cùisean?
My goodness! I accepted the council tax increase this year, although it was difficult for us. But are you saying now that won't make things better?

Tha, gu mì-fhortanach. Tha an uimhir de chomhairlean aig a bheil gainnead airgid a' sìor-fhàs! Tha staing na cosgaise bith-beò a' toirt buaidh air a h-uile sian.
Yes, unfortunately. The number of councils that are short of money is continually increasing! The cost-of-living crisis is affecting everything.

Dè thachras, ma-thà?
What will happen, then?

Tha cuid de na comhairlean a' toirt rabhadh tro Chaidreachas nan Ùghdarrasan Ionadail (COSLA) gu bheil cunnart ann gun tèid iad (banca-)briste!
Some of the councils are warning through the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (COSLA) that there is a risk they will go bankrupt!

Cò às a thig an t-airgead an uair sin?
Where will the money come from then?

Bhite an dùil ri tuilleadh airgid bho Riaghaltas na h-Alba.
More money would be expected from the Scottish Government.

Agus feumar airgead a chaomhnadh air dòigh air choireigin cuideachd, cuiridh mi geall.
And money will have to be saved somehow too, I'll bet.

'S tu fhèin a thuirt e! Ged a tha seirbheisean gann, 's cinnteach gum fàs iad nas gainne gus an tig atharrachadh mòr ann!
You said it (yourself)! Although services are scarce, they will surely become scarcer until there is a big change!