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Complete for 2 points

Dè tha thu ris na làithean seo? 

What are you up to these days?

Let’s have a look at this discussion. By the end of this section, you will have learned some valuable phrases that you can use in lots of different conversations. 

Sin thu fhèin, Iain. ‘S fhada on uair sin. There you are, John. Long time, no see.
Halò, Anna. ‘S fhada gu dearbh. Dè tha thu ris na làithean seo? Hallo, Anna. It is indeed. What are you up to these days?
Tha mi fhathast ag obair aig a’ cholaiste—tha mi nam òraidiche. Agus ‘s e sgrìobhaiche a th’ annam cuideachd—pàirt–ùine. I’m still working at the college—I’m a lecturer. And I’m a writer as well—part–time.
Cha robh fios ’am gun robh thu nad sgrìobhaiche cuideachd. An toil leat an obair sin? I didn’t know that you were a writer as well. Do you like that work?
O ‘s toil, ach bu mhiann leam aon de na h–obraichean fhàgail, airson treis, co–dhiù. No obair gu tur ùr fheuchainn. ‘S e tuilleadh ‘s a’ chòrr dà dhreuchd a bhith agad, ag amannan. Oh I do, but I would like to leave one of these jobs, for a while, at least. Or try out completely new work. It’s too much, to have two jobs, at times.
Tha fios ’am. Tha mi air mòran obraichean a dhèanamh roimhe, ach cha do rinn mi riamh dà obair aig an aon àm. I know. I have done many jobs before, but I haven’t ever done two jobs at the same time.
Dè mu do dheidhinn fhèin? Càit a bheil thu fhèin ag obair a–nis? Agus dè an obair a th’ agad? What about you? Where are you working now? And what’s your job/work?
An dèidh dhomh an obair agam fhàgail, bha mi ag obair air mo cheann fhèin. Bha mi nam chomhairliche stiùiridh. Rinn mi sin airson beagan mhìosan. Ach a–nis bu mhath leam a bhith nam chunntasair. After leaving my job, I was working for myself. I was a management consultant. I did that for a few months. But now I would like to be an accountant.
Cha bhiodh tu gun obair anns an dreuchd sin. Bidh daoine feumach air ionmhasairean is cunntasairean fad na h–ùine. You wouldn’t be without work in that profession. People need treasurers and accountants all the time.
Sin a bha mi fhèin a’ smaoineachadh. ‘S e cunntasachd a rinn mi aig an oilthigh. Ach tha mòran obraichean air a bhith agam bhon a dh’fhàg mi ‘n sgoil. Tha mi air a bhith nam chìobair anns na saor–làithean agus bha mi nam chlachair, còmhla ri m’ athair, airson dà bhliadhna cuideachd. That’s what I was thinking. It’s accountancy I did at university. But I’ve have lots of jobs since I left school. I’ve been a shepherd in the holidays and I was a stonemason alongside my father for a couple of years as well.
Abair sgilean! Bha mi a’ beachdachadh a bhith nam ailtire nuair a bha mi na b’ òige ach an dèidh na colaiste chuir mi seachad dà bhliadhna nam sheinneadair jazz ann an Glaschu! Such skills! I was considering becoming an architect when I was younger, but after college I spent two years as a jazz singer in Glasgow!
Eadar an dithis againn, tha sgil, eòlas is tàlant gu leòr. Between the two of us, there’s skill, knowledge and talent aplenty!