Feuch e: But is it worth it?
Feuch e: Ach an fhiach e?
Your turn now. Answer the questions any way you like. There is no wrong answer here!

A bheil thu air a bhith a' sireadh obair sam bith, no a' cur iarrtasan a–steach airson rud sam bith?
Have you been looking for any work, or putting applications in for anything?

Uill, chuir mi iarrtasan a–steach airson ceithir diofar dreuchdan agus cha chuala mi bìog. Well, I put applications in for four different jobs, and I haven't heard a peep (cheep).
Tha mi air a bhith a' coimhead sna pàipearan agus air–loidhne, ach cha do ghlac dad sam bith mo shùil. I've been looking in the papers and online, but nothing's caught my eye.