But is it worth it?
Ach an fhiach e?
Let's have a look at this discussion. By the end of this section, you will have learned some valuable phrases that you can use in lots of different conversations.

A bheil thu air a bhith a' sireadh obair sam bith, no a' cur iarrtasan a–steach airson rud sam bith?
Have you been looking for any work, or putting applications in for anything?

Uill, chunnaic mi sanas–obrach ann an Gasaet Steòrnabhaigh bho chionn cola–deug agus an uair sin nochd e air an làraich–lìn ud, obraichean.co.uk.
Well, I saw a job advert in the (Stornoway) Gazette a couple of weeks ago, and then it appeared on that website, obraichean.co.uk.

Tha mi eòlach oirre. Às dèidh dhomh an dreuchd ud fhàgail, bhithinn a' sgrùdadh nan tuairisgeulan-obrach an sin. Dè an dreuchd a th' ann?
I know it. After I left that job, I would often scour (examine, scrutinise) the job descriptions on there. What's the job?

Ceannard na Fèise ann an Glaschu.
It's Head of the Fèis in Glasgow.

A bheil thu a' smaoineachadh gur e obair dhùbhlanach, shàrachail, iarrtach a bhiodh ann?
Do you think it would be challenging, exhausting and demanding work?

No an e obair thaitneach, thlachdmhor, shàsachail a dh'fhaodadh a bhith ann? Chan urrainn dhut a bhith cinnteach! 'S dòcha rudeigin eadar na dhà!
Or could it be pleasant, enjoyable and satisfying work? You can't be sure. Possibly something between the two!

Ach an fhiach e?
But is it worth it?

Tha tuarastal math ann, agus cùmhnant bliadhna ann a ghabhas ùrachadh. Mar sin, mur a bi an obair a' còrdadh rium, no mur a bi mise a' còrdadh ris a' bhòrd–stiùiridh, cha bhiodh cus croin ann!
There's a good salary, and a year's contract that can be renewed. So, if the job doesn't agree with me, or if I don't agree with (suit) the board, there won't be too much damage!

Cuin a dh'fheumas iarrtasan a bhith a–staigh?
When do applications have to be in?

Feumaidh na tagraidhean gu lèir a bhith a–staigh seachdain a–màireach! Cha do rinn mi cunntas–beatha agus cha do chuir mi iarrtas a–steach do dhreuchd sam bith o chionn ùineachan!
All the submissions have to be in a week tomorrow! I haven't done a CV or a put in an application for a job in ages!

Ma tha thu ag iarraidh, b' urrainn dhomh do chuideachadh, air sgàth 's gu bheil eòlas agam air a sin bho chionn ghoirid!
If you like, I could help you, because I have some recent knowledge of that!

Mo bheannachd ort! Ach dè mu dheidhinn an agallaimh? Ged a bhios mi air beulaibh oileanaich a h–uile latha, tha diofar eadar sin agus agallamh le cathraiche agus buill a' bhùird!
Bless you! But what about the interview? Even though I'm in front of students every day, there's a difference between that and an interview with the chair and members of the board!

Mean air mhean, Anna. Nach tòisich sinn leis a' chunntas–beatha agad? Bu tu an tagraiche coileanta aca!
Little by little, Anna. Why don't (won't) we start with your CV? You’d be the perfect candidate!