Complete for 2 points

An dàrna turas: An robh thu math air ealain …?

Take two: Were you good at art …?

Let’s have a look at this conversation again.

An robh thu math air ealain nuair a bha thu san sgoil? Were you good at art when you were at school?
Bha mi math air ealain agus chòrd i rium. I was good at art, and I enjoyed it.
Dè seòrsa ealaine a rinn thu? What kind of art did you do?
Mar bu trice b’ e peantadh—agus snaigheadh—a rinn mi. Dè seòrsa ealaine a rinn thu fhèin? Usually it was painting—and sculpture—that I did. What kind of art did you do (yourself)?
Chòrd peantadh rium cuideachd! Ach bha mi dèidheil air dealbhan a tharraing agus dealbhan a thogail. Bhithinn a’ cleachdadh na dhà dhiubh sin gus dealbh a chruthachadh agus a pheantadh. I enjoyed painting as well. But I was fond of drawing pictures and taking photographs. I would use both of these to create and paint a picture.
Tha sin inntinneach. Saoilidh mi gun robh thu gu math cùramach ann a bhith a’ cruthachadh dhealbhan. Bha mise dìreach a’ sluaisreadh peant air feadh an àite! That’s interesting. I think that you were very careful in creating pictures. I was just splashing paint all over the place!
Mar Jackson Pollock! Bu toigh leam sin fhaicinn! An do dh’fheuch thu beò-dhealbhadh a-riamh? Bidh mòran ga dhèanamh na làithean seo. Like Jackson Pollock! I’d like to (have) seen that! Did you ever try animation? Many people do that now.
Cha do dh’fheuch. Tha beò-dhealbhadh feumach air cùram, ùine agus foighidinn! I didn’t (try)/haven’t (tried). Animation requires care, time and patience!
Dè seòrsa ealaine as fheàrr leat a-nis? What’s your favourite kind of art now?
Tha mi measail air nua-ealain, ach ealain fhigearach, mar as trice. Dè seòrsa ealaine as fheàrr leat fhèin? I like modern art, but figurative, usually. What’s your favourite kind of art?
Tha mi measail air diofar sheòrsaichean ealaine ach, ‘s e ailtireachd as fheàrr leam. Bidh mi a’ cur seachad tòrr ùine a’ tadhal air iomadh togalach ann an iomadh àite. Nam biodh an cothrom agam, bhithinn airson a dhol air ais dhan cholaiste agus ailtireachd a dhèanamh. Dè bu toil leat fhèin fheuchainn? I’m fond of different kinds of art, but my favourite is architecture. I spend loads of time visiting many buildings in many places. If I had the opportunity, I’d go back to college to do architecture. What would you (yourself) like to try?
Bu toil leam snaigheadh a dhèanamh a-rithist. Bhiodh e math cùrsa goirid no bùth-obrach a dhèanamh. Dè do bheachd? I’d like to do sculpture again. It would be good to do a short course or a workshop. What do you think?