It’s important at ìre B1 (and B2—you’ll get there/slow and steady!) for us to listen to Gaelic as often as possible and that we use reading and listening resources at different levels, some of which are easy, and some which are challenging.
As we know, Tobar an Dualchais is extremely useful for resources which are dùbhlanach! It doesn’t matter if you don’t understand everything at this stage. You’ll find a tar‑sgrìobhadh (transcription) of this recording in 21B Duilleag Obrach.
Listen twice to this excerpt [3:46–4:36] from BBC Radio nan Gàidheal’s Prògram Choinnich, and answer the questions:
If you don’t understand any words, try looking them up in your dictionary or the LearnGaelic faclair.
Cò air a tha Eairdsidh Friseil a’ bruidhinn sa chriomaig?
Who is Archie Fraser talking about in the excerpt?
Cò ris a bha an dòigh-peantaidh aige coltach?
What (Whose style) was his painting style like?
Dè na cuspairean, no nithean, a bhiodh aige?
What subjects or things did he paint?
Dè an stoidhle anns am biodh e a’ glacadh daoine?
In what style would he capture people?
Dè bhiodh cha mhòr a h-uile duine a’ dèanamh anns na dealbhan aige?
What would almost everyone be doing in his pictures?
How did you get on?
Cò air a tha Eairdsidh Friseil a’ bruidhinn sa chriomaig?
Frans Hals.
Frans Hals.
Cò ris a bha an dòigh‑peantaidh aige coltach?
Coltach ri stoidhle Reubens. Cinnteach, cabhagach.
Like the style of Reubens. Sure, hurried.
Dè na cuspairean, no nithean, a bhiodh aige?
Cuspairean no nithean saoghalta.
Worldly/mundane (as opposed to religious) subjects.
Dè an stoidhle anns am biodh e a’ glacadh daoine?
Mar gun robh iad air an glacadh le camara.
As though they had been captured on camera.
Dè bhiodh cha mhòr a h‑uile duine a’ dèanamh anns na dealbhan aige?
A’ gàireachdaich (a’ gàireachdainn).