Complete for 2 points

Carson nach cuir thu dath dorcha air an dealbh agad?

Why don't you put a dark colour on your picture?

Look at the sentences below and play the different answers until you’re happy with them. Have fun!

Carson nach…

Why don’t you…

cuir thu dath dorcha

put a dark colour

cuir thu dath nas soilleire

put a lighter colour

dèan thu an loidhne sin nas làidire

make that line stronger

tarraing thu loidhne fhada

draw a long line

cuir thu às dhan phìos sin

do away with [delete] that piece

obraich thu còmhla rium

you work with me

nach tarraing thu loidhne chòmhnard

don’t you draw a horizontal line

nach tarraing thu loidhne dhìreach

don’t you draw a vertical line

…air an dealbh agad?

…on your picture?