I was in the Scotland team at that time
Bha mi ann an sgioba na h–Alba aig an àm sin
Let's have a look at this discussion. By the end of this section, you will have learned some valuable phrases that you can use in lots of different conversations.

Chòrd e riumsa an t–àm a bha Geamannan a' Cho–fhlaitheis ann an Glaschu. Bha mi ann an sgioba na h–Alba aig an àm sin.
I loved the time the Commonwealth Games were in Glasgow. I was in the Scotland team at that time.

Thalla! Thusa! Cha robh thu! An robh?
Away! You! You weren't! Were you?

Bha gu dearbh! 'S e spòrs a tha a' dèanamh feum air gàirdeannan làidir, guailnean sùbailte agus sùil mhath. Bhiodh sinn gar n–ullachadh fhèin le bhith a' gluasad agus a' sìneadh ar n-adhbrannan, ar n-òrdagan is ar corragan. Cha robh sinn airson a bhith air ar goirteachadh! Bha cunnartan gu leòr san spòrs ud!
I was indeed! It is a sport that requires strong arms, flexible shoulders and a good eye. We would prepare ourselves by moving and stretching our ankles, toes and fingers. We didn't want to get hurt! There were plenty of risks in that sport!

Iochd! Dè an spòrs a bh' ann?
Goodness! What sport was that?

'S e bobhladh a bh' ann! Bha mi a' dèanamh bobhladh.
It was bowls! I was bowling.

Och! Tha mòran eacarsaichean eadar–dhealaichte a–nis a chumas slàn is fallain thu, ach an e spòrs a th' ann?
Oh! There are many different exercises now that keep you fit and healthy, but is it a sport?

'S e! Feumar iomadh rud eile, ge–tà. Feumar d' inntinn a ghleusadh. Feumar biadh math agus feumar cadal sèimh.
Yes! Many other things are needed, however. Your mind must be prepared. Good food and good sleep are necessary.

Ach chan eil sin gad ullachadh airson spòrs aig àrd ìre, a bheil?
But that doesn't prepare you for high–level sport, does it?

Bidh e a rèir 's dè seòrsa spòrs a th' ann—Geama na Beatha, ma dh'fhaodte!?
It depends on what kind of sport it is—the Game of Life, maybe!?

Agus air uairean bidh na sàr lùth-chleasaichean (sàr luchd-spòrs) a' trèanadh cho cruaidh 's gu bheil iad air an goirteachadh. Uaireannan bidh iad gu tur claoidhte.
And sometimes the elite athletes (players) train so hard that they get hurt. Sometimes they are completely exhausted.

Tha fios ’am. Bidh na bodhaigean aca air an gleusadh cho teann ri teudan fìdhle! (Mas e ceòl feadaireachd, fòghnaidh beagan dheth!)
I know. Their bodies will be tuned as tight as violin strings! (Everything in moderation! (lit. If whistling is music, [we have enough of it] a little of it is enough.))

Mar sin, Fhionnlaigh, ciamar a chaidh dhuibh aig a' cheann thall aig Geamannan a' Cho–fhlaitheis ann an Glaschu?
So, Finlay, how did you get on in the end at the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow?

Cha robh sinne air ar nàireachadh idir! Fhuair sinn làmh–an–uachdair air Sasainn sa chuairt dheireannaich agus choisinn sinn bonn òir!
We didn't embarrass ourselves [‘we weren’t put to shame’] at all! We beat [got the upper hand over] England in the final and won a gold medal!