Bilingual transcription - Online: Describing people

Bilingual transcription - Air-loidhne: Coltas dhaoine

Ailis, Anndra, Seumas and Catrìona all meet up online to describe other people.

Haidh Carla. Tìoraidh Carla.

Hi Carla. Bye Carla.

Chan eil Carla mo bhean math air cabadaich. Tha i sàmhach.

My wife Carla’s not good at chatting. She’s quiet.

Cò ris a tha Carla coltach?

What’s Carla like?

Tha i àrd agus tha i caol.

She’s tall and slim.

Dè an dath a th’ air a falt?

What colour is her hair?

Tha falt bàn oirre.

She has fair hair.

A bheil sùilean gorma aice?

Does she have blue eyes?

Tha. Tha sùilean gorma aice.

Yes. She has blue eyes.

Cò ris a tha Meg do bhean coltach a Sheumais?

What’s your wife, Meg, like James?

Ehmm, uill, chan eil i beag. Tha i… àrd.

Well, hmmm, she’s not short. She’s… tall.

A bheil falt donn oirre?

Does she have brown hair?

Chan eil falt donn oirre… ehm, chan eil. Tha falt fada, bàn oirre. Tha sùilean gorma aice.

She doesn’t have brown hair… ehm… no. She has long, blonde hair. She has blue eyes.

Tha sùilean donna aig mo bhràmair! Tha falt dorcha oirre. Tha i beag agus tha i caol.

My girlfriend has brown eyes! She has dark hair. She’s short and she’s slim.

Tha m’ athair tapaidh ach tha mo mhàthair caol. Tha falt donn oirre. Tha falt liath air m’ athair.

My father’s well-built and my mother is slim. She has dark hair. My father has grey hair.

A bheil e sean?

Is he old?

Chan eil ach tha falt liath air.

No but he has grey hair.

Tha falt liath air mo sheanair.

My grandfather has grey hair.

A bheil e sean?

Is he old?

Tha, tha mo sheanair sean. Tha mo sheanair beag agus tapaidh. Tha sùilean donna aige.

Yes, my grandfather is old. My grandfather is short and well built. He has dark eyes.

Cò ris a tha do sheanmhair coltach?

What’s your grandmother like?

Tha i beag agus tapaidh. Tha falt liath oirre agus tha sùilean uaine aice.

She’s small and well built. She has grey hair and her eyes are green.

Tha sùilean uaine aig Felix. Tha e mòr agus brèagha agus tapaidh.

Felix has green eyes. He’s big and beautiful and well built.



Felix, an cat agam!

Felix, my cat!