The Book of Deer

Leabhar Dhèir

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'S e leabhar beag aosmhor cràbhaidh a th' ann an Leabhar Dhèir. Tha e air a chumail ann an Leabharlann Oilthigh Chambridge a–nis. Tha Leabhar Dhèir a' toirt dhuinn sealladh air an eaglais thràth agus air cultar agus  coimhearsnachd an ama. Bha an leabhar aig Abaid Dhèir ann an Dèir ann an Siorrachd Obair Dheathain agus bha ceangal aig an Abaid ri Colm Cille. Tha a' mhòr–chuid den sgrìobhadh ann an Laideann ach tha Seann Ghaeilge agus Gàidhlig na h–Alba na mheasg cuideachd. 'S dòcha gur e seo an làmh–sgrìobhainn as sine a th' againn à Alba. Anns an teacsa san Laideann tha Soisgeul Eòin uile gu lèir agus cuid de na soisgeulan eile. Tha seachd teacsaichean ann an Gàidhlig anns na h–àitichean a bha bàn timcheall air na prìomh theacsaichean. Tha ainm an leabhair a' tighinn bhon mhanachainn ann an Dèir air a bheil luaidh san teacsa.

luaidh (m)
làmh–sgrìobhainn (f)
abaid (f)
Soisgeul Eòin
The Gospel of John

Ciamar a chaidh dhut? Here is the English below!

The Book of Deer is a small historic religious book (Gospel Book). It is now kept/housed in Cambridge University Library. The Book of Deer gives us an insight into the early church, the culture and the community of the time. The book was at the Abbey of Deer in Aberdeenshire and the Abbey had a connection to Columba. Most of the writing is in Latin, but there is also Old Irish and Scots Gaelic within it as well. This is possibly the oldest manuscript we have from Scotland. In the Latin text is the entire Gospel of John and some of the other gospels. There are seven texts in Gaelic in the margins [places which are empty] around the primary/main text/s.The name of the book comes from the monastery in Deer which is mentioned/praised in the text.