I converted to Christianity
Chaidh m' iompachadh don Chreideamh Chrìosdaidh
Let's have a look at this discussion. By the end of this section, you will have learned some valuable phrases that you can use in lots of different conversations.

Nuair a chaidh d’ iompachadh don Chreideamh Chrìosdaidh, dè rinn thu?
When you converted (were converted) to Christianity [the Christian faith], what did you do?

Chaidh m' iompachadh don Chreideamh Chrìosdaidh an dèidh grunn bhliadhnaichean, tòrr rannsachaidh agus iomadach còmhradh.
I converted (was converted) to Christianity [the Christian faith] after many years, loads of research and many conversations.

Creididh mi sin!
I'll believe that!

Tha e do–chreidsinneach mar a tha mo bheatha air atharrachadh. Am bi thusa a' dol don eaglais gu tric na làithean seo, Iain?
It's unbelievable how my life has changed. Do you go to church often these days, John?

Ma bhios mi aig an taigh agus mas e Didòmhnaich a th' ann, bidh mo mhàthair gam threòrachadh chun na h–eaglaise!
If I'm at home and it's Sunday, my mother will guide me to the church!

Tha mi làn–chreidsinn! Ach an creid thu seo?
I fully believe it! But can you believe this?

Dè a chreideas mi?
What can I believe?

'S e rud do–chreidsinneach a th' ann!
It's an unbelievable thing!

Siuthad! Greas ort, a Mhàiri!
Go on! Hurry up, Màiri!

Chuala mi gum bi an coitheanal ag ath–leasachadh seann eaglais na paraiste anns a' Chlachan.
I heard that the congregation are going to develop the old parish church at Clachan.

Ach cha ghabh sin dèanamh, an gabh?
But that can't be done, can it?

Tha òigridh am pailteas aca agus spionnadh gu leòr annta.
They have plenty of young people and plenty of energy.

Chan e rud furasta no luath a bhios ann.
It won't be easy or quick.

Treòraichidh Dia iad.
God will guide them.